What kind of skin do you have?

Strong, healthy skin

Strong, healthy skin is fairly robust. It doesn’t easily react to harsh environments or changes in skin care products. You may experience mild skin imbalances like oiliness down the T zone or dryness on the checks, you may even get the odd breakout but on the whole your skin is fairly strong.

If this describes your skin then the Janesce Hydrate & Glow Pack is perfect for you.

Sensitive or dehydrated skin

Technically, sensitive skin refers to skin that is genetically less robust than other skin types, even when it is healthy. However, many people experience skin sensitivity as a result of a compromised skin barrier. The barrier is the skin’s natural protective layer. When this is weakened, irritants can get in and set up inflammation in the deeper layers of the skin. Valuable surface hydration is also lost. This can lead to dull, red, blemished, dehydrated skin.

If this describes your skin then the Janesce Strengthen & Glow Pack is perfect for you.

Extremely sensitive skin

Extremely sensitive skin is typically the result of a compromised skin barrier. The barrier is the skin’s natural protective layer. When it is weakened, irritants can get in and set up inflammation in the deeper layers of the skin. Hyper-sensitive skin can present as red, inflamed, stressed or blemished skin. It is also a common denominator in skin problems such as acne, pimples, redness, rashes and extreme dryness.

If this describes your skin then the Janesce Repair & Glow Pack is perfect for you.